

As Ussort Technology, we manufacture elevators in different models. In cereals, pulses, seeds and oilseed processing plants, the most suitable elevator is determined based on the characteristics of the product and the capacity of the plant. We can define elevators as important auxiliary equipment that transports the products between the machines.

The elevator models we offer are ” Bucket elevators, Z Type Horizontal Elevators, Z Type Vertical Elevators, Pendulum Bucket Elevators, P Elevator.

Elevators, Indispensable Equipment in Dried Food Processing Plants

Elevators are the equipment that carries products such as seeds and nuts in vertical and horizontal directions in a gentle way.

“Bucket elevator”, contrary to Vertical Z Type and Horizontal Z Type elevators, receives the product poured into the feeding pool with a bucket and carries it vertically to the bulk hopper located on the upper part of the elevator. It is designed with a gravity drainage. It has the capacity to carry all types of bulk material products.
Another special elevator model is “Pendulum Bucket Elevator”. It is used for the vertical and horizontal transportation of seeds, grains and pulses. The product which is poured into sequential buckets that mounted on custom designed chains is transported delicately to the next machine or the system. Because of its engine speed is at minimum levels, it carries the product successfully. Available in C and Z types.

The feature that distinguishes this elevator from other elevators is that it can have multiple inlet and outlet points.

Elevators in a Wide Variety of Models at USSORT Technology

It is used for the transportation of seeds, grains and pulses in the Cereals, Pulses, Dried Fruit & Nuts Plants. As Ussort Technology, we have the capacity to install 200 turn-key plants per year and we serve a wide market. We offer different solutions for plants processing different products.

Elevators, which are among the hundreds of equipment in our product range, are manufactured using quality materials and advanced engineering skills. The product, which is carefully transported in a healthy and safe way, is processed in the facilities for perfect results.

Elevators are among the important equipment manufactured by Ussort Technology.